terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011


Sorry once again in taking your time with my Amazonian issues, but looking at the questions about changes in the Brazilian environmental legislation I´m wondering where we're heading for now. Maybe tomorrow we are in a situation similar to Haiti at the base of "save yourself if you can," or “live as long as possible if you can”. Haiti has exhausted all its natural resources and now lives a hell on earth; will we get there one day? This discussion, in my opinion, is unfortunate, about decreasing or increasing protected areas, all this sounds like a question. Will we take more or less time to totally deplete our natural resources? Dear friends of the network, I think that the discussion should be better if we ask how much should we utilize the protected areas? We have one of the greatest biodiversities on planet, we can use the native forests of flooded, upland and riparian areas, all of them have higher value-added products than the current family farming systems are producing. There exist a bunch of examples but would be tiring to cite them all. There exits many sites including the MMA (Brazilian Federal Ministry of Environment www.mma.gov.br) and our www.amazonoil.com.br with these products, which today are considered as spices for not having a large-scale production.
I think that everybody who is joining this virtual community linked to chemical and cosmetic industries, product development, marketing, logistics, professional associations, should be committed to valorize these products that currently origins from the extraction systems, but tomorrow can be fully domesticated, generating income for the local communities and foreign exchange for the country. Conservation areas are fundamental for keeping our bank of plant germplasm, today we destroy what we don´t even know.

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